Pain relief, Injury and TMJ Treatment : Physical Therapy Dallas, Acworth GA

Salisbury Physical Therapy: Your Path to Pain-Free Living, Movement Health and Wellness: Move Better, Feel Better, Live Better.

Wellness: Improve Health, Mobility, Performance and Prevent Injury in the Dallas and Acworth Area.

We offer a variety of Wellness Services and Packages. Discover below some of the ways we can guide you to move and live better.

Services and Packages

Yearly Tune-Up

As a doctor of physical therapy and movement specialist we take into account your movement and activity goals and combine that with a full body assessment to identify targeted areas that need improvement from mobility to stability and strength. With a decade of experience in helping people overcome the most common over-use injuries, strains, aches and pains, we know exactly how to prevent them and save you costly health expenses, lost time at work or play and even surgeries. We will guide you through exercises and activities specific to what you need giving you feedback and ensuring proper technique and progression to empower you to move and live better. Treatments may also include soft tissue mobilization and how to perform at home if needed to help facilitate movement and ideal muscle and joint function.

Total Mobility and Total Stability

This package involved total mobility and stability throughout the entire body. Our bodies not only need the proper amount of movement in our joints and tissues to function properly and optimally but control throughout the full range. With over a decade of experience, we compiled the best of mobility and stability to keep you moving better than ever and living your best life.

Performance Enhancement

As a movement specialist, we are uniquely qualified to identify and target areas that will improve your performance at any level, whether you are competitive or just love to be active. We will target and set you up with the ability to safely improve dynamic strength, mobility, stability, explosiveness, endurance and by doing so avoid/reduce risk of injury leading to lost time and money.

Improve Balance

Afraid of falls? Or maybe a loved one makes you nervous. Have the peace of mind with knowing you can improve your balance. Maybe you don’t feel it is that bad but you stay away from activities or environments that you used to love to do, like playing golf, going to the beach. Whatever it is we can help give you or your loved one with greater peace of mind and/or greater enjoyment in doing the things that you love to do. We will safely progress you through static and dynamic balance activities that will appropriately challenge you to improve your endurance, strength and balance to give you the steadiness you need on your feet to move and live better.

Soft-tissue Package (Better than a Massage)

This is not your average massage, (which can be great and beneficial and highly recommended if you find the right massage therapist for you). As a doctor of physical therapy and movement specialist we take into account your movement and activity goals and combine that with a full body assessment to identify targeted areas that could be improved by various soft tissue mobilization techniques. We compliment this with a few of the best mobility or stability activities to reinforce the positive effect of the soft tissue. Treatments may include trigger point release, manual soft tissue mobilization, instrument soft tissue mobilization, cupping, vibration/percussion instrument, manual mobility, joint mobilization and dry needling*.

Avoid injury

With over a decade of experience in helping people recover from the most common overuse injuries, we know all the things that could have avoided it in the first place. Most of the time it is just a few simple changes or activities that could prevent loss time from activity, work, lost precious time and money. We will do a full body assessment and identify target areas to keep you moving better and living better.

*Dry Needling: In the state of GA a referral for physical therapy is required to provide dry needling in all cases. Discuss with your specialist ways to obtain.

Photo by Sam Kolder on

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